EYNON/ALDER/COOPEY marriage (General)

by talmac, Sunday, February 14, 2010, 17:24 (5499 days ago) @ spellweaver

hi spellweaver

I found a christening for Jasper Alder 5th Jan 1744 in Kings Stanley and it gives his father as John but no mother.
John Alder christening 1725 in Kings Stanley

Sarah Phillips christening 28th Aug 1748 Ashleworth her father was
Francis Phillips christening 1721 in Ashleworth
her mother is named as Eliz I found these on th Latter Day Saints site.

Mary & job Eynon's daughter Ann m Hayward Coopey 11th Feb 1848 they had
Martin abt 1849 who died ? Julia abt 1851 Charles abt 1855
William hubert abt 1857 my ggrandfather
Martin abt 1860 who died
Clara abt 1864 Leah abt 1868

Julia had a son Jesse abt 1867 out of wedlock
Charles wife Grace died and he took his son Raymond to Oregon USA. He was a tailor & had his own Factory where they made uniforms for the forces. If you Google Coopey Falls Oregon you will see the waterfall named after the family & read about him.

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