Lillian M DAWSON / BADHAM 1912 (General)

by janfran @, Saturday, February 27, 2010, 10:21 (5485 days ago) @ slowhands

Yes, I am beginning to think that this first? marriage did not take place.
If she told the Vicar he had been killed in action during the war, I suppose she wouldn't have a death certificate.
I wonder if Charlie Gale knew this?
My mother would have been about 9 years old when she came back to Ross to have Marjorie (as she was always known in the family, though I never met her).
As far as I was concerned it was always said Elsie had the child before marriage, and most of the gossip was about the fact that Charlie Gale was so old when she had his children!
I was very young and can only vaguely remember bits and pieces I heard.
There was at sometime a book published about Thomas Hardy, I think in the 60's, it must have been after Elsie's death, and I think that Elsie was rather reviled, I am not sure if that was in the local press.
There was a story that my cousin Eileen was on a bus in Topsham and 2 women were gossiping about her and she turned and said to them "that is my mother you are talking about"
I think I will have to file this in the unsolved box!!
Thank you for all the help you have given me, it is much appreciated

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