Louis MARFELL bn 1866 Ruardean - marriage to Evangelina (General)

by LindaHinzman, Tuesday, March 02, 2010, 16:16 (5483 days ago) @ jimashton

Jim and Others, thanks for the responses. Jim, would Hilda Kate Morgan be a sister to Evelyn then? The birth date you mentioned seems to correspond to the Kate Morgan in the census info. My grandmother Evelyn had two sisters who visited her in Illinois in the late 1960s or very early 1970s - Kate and Olive, although I see no Olive on the census records. Perhaps Olive is a middle name? Evelyn and her son William (and his wife Helen) visited Kate, Olive, and other family members in England around this same time.

Evelyn lived with Evangeline and Louis Marfell from the time they left England until she married as far as I know. Even though she may not be listed on the census data, I'm quite sure she was with them.

I too have wondered and speculated as to why Evelyn was "chosen" to accompany them, but have no definite answers. I think she was the youngest girl - maybe that had something to do with it.

I have quite a bit of information, some of it in written form from Jeff Sleeman (England relative - the son of either Olive or Kate - now deceased). I haven't actively pursued this for a number of years. In the next few days, I will dig out my records, review them, and if there's anything additional to add, I will post it here.

Thanks to all. Linda

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