Joshua Hutchins Born abt 1846 Littledean Gloucester. (General)

by delilahwebb, Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 13:00 (5467 days ago)

I am looking for any information on my great, great grandfather Joushua Hutcinhs. The 1881 census says he was born abt 1846 in littldean The earlist I can find him is on the 1881 census. he has married to Alice, living in lancashire and working as a collery blacksmith.

I can follow him to the 1901 census where it says he was born in Dean wood Siding. Before 1881 the trail goes cold and I can find no record of him or his family.

Does the name ring any bells with anyone?
Has anyone heard of Dean Wood Siding, I cannot find it on any map?

Kindly let me know if you can help and thank you for taking the time to read this message.

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