WARGENT Family Search (General)

by crossl, Thursday, March 18, 2010, 22:22 (5465 days ago)

Hello to all,

I have been researching my wife's family and have come to a stop.
I have traced her family back to a William Wargent who married Martha Saunders on Oct. 21, 1751 in Ledbury, Hereforshire. His marriage parrish record does not state his parents names. I would like to find his Birth record which would possibly name his parents which would then hopefully let me go back further.

I have unconfirmed data from someone who thinks that William Wargent was the eldest son of John Wargent of Hereford and Ann Pool(e)of Ledbury. They married in 1727 and William was born in May of 1728. I have not been able to contact the person which gave me this information so I don't know what her source was.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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