The Jones of Dymock - children of John & Ellen (General)

by gwensabin, Saturday, March 20, 2010, 15:10 (5463 days ago)

We have been tracing this family for some time now and more recently a group of us got together to discuss findings etc. Someone produced a newspaper report, with photograph, about John & Ellen who had celebrated a special wedding anniversary and in the report it stated that they had 11 children, 7 boys and 4 girls.

To our horror, we discovered we had only found 6 boys and 4 girls. Namely,
Henry (1873), Thomas (1875), Amelia (1877), George (1879), Hubert (1881), Andrew (1884), Ann (1886), Alice (1888), Florence (1891), and James (1895).

John & Ellen Jones were married on 26 December 1870, and in view of the number of children and the space between each, I think it is possible that they could have had a child between 1870 when they married and 1873 when the first child was born. It could also be that perhaps a child was born and subsequently died.

One of our group had, in fact, got 11 on her tree, the extra one being a Charles. However, she does not know where this info came from and has no other supporting evidence.

If anyone can offer any advice, it would be most appreciated.

Gwen Sabin

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