Meaning of the name Redvers (General)

by rachael, Friday, March 26, 2010, 11:37 (5457 days ago) @ Joanne

Hi Jo,

Yes it is a very unusual name indeed!
I'm sure there has to be a link in there somewhere, my Grandfather was born 1923 though. Altho, in my family tree there is a trend of naming children after parents/aunties/uncles etc so it would not surprise me if there was some kind of link to Eliza Simmonds. Just checking my tree, but have not done as much branching out as I would have liked! My Grandfather came from a huge family, with step-brothers and sisters also.
Do you have any of these names in your ancestry, most dates are rough estimates

G-G Father;
Henry Simmonds b. roughly 1876
G-G Mother;
Mabel Mills b. 1887
Henry's first wife was Alice Mason

G-G-G Father;
Aaron Simmonds b. 1844

G-G-G Mother;
Maria Stevens b 1845

Aaron & maria had a child out of wedlock called George, and went on to have other Simmonds children called;
There are probably many more relatives which I have yet to record as I want to make sure I use accurate information.
Nice to hear from you!

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