F.o.D Family History Events - coming soon (General)

by unknown, Friday, March 26, 2010, 19:56 (5457 days ago)

If you require hands on help and information the Forest of Dean Family History Society will be holding an event in April at Crypt School, Gloucester and at the Speech House Hotel in the centre of the Royal Forest of Dean in May.
For further info go to http://www.sungreen.co.uk/fodfhs/ASP_Pages/ViewEvents.asp

F.o.D Family History Events - we are not connected

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, March 27, 2010, 04:12 (5457 days ago) @ unknown

I would like it to be know that the Forest of Dean Family History Web site has no connection with this event. This event that is mentioned is actually held by the Gloucestershire Family History Society - Forest of Dean Branch and not by the Forest of Dean Family History Society.

I am not sure why the people involved in this branch of the Gloucestershire Family History Society, misleadingly refer to themselves as the Forest of Dean Family History Society.

The Royal Forest of Dean Family History Society was disbanded in 1997. All the material they held was given the GFHS and the name of the society deregistered.

The Forest of Dean Family History Web site which we have here is actually an offshoot of the Royal Forest of Dean Family History Society Web site which I created and maintained. The 1997 Web site of the RFODFHS, I some time ago put back in its original location for nostalgic purposes.

You can read the full history about our Web site and how it has evolved over the years on our About Us web page.

In the past, I have offered to assist and promote the Forest of Dean Branch of the GFHS as long as they refer to themselves by their correct name so there is no confusion of us being separate concerns. This has not been forthcoming by them but my offer still stands.

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