Ordnance Survey Map on our Web site (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, April 02, 2010, 09:18 (5451 days ago) @ rbaynton

Ordnance Survey Map are having a few problems with there servers, here is an email I received yesterday from them.

Dear Developers,
Due to increased demand on the OS OpenData web site, we have experienced a problem with our servers which is affecting several Ordnance Survey services, including OS OpenSpace.
In the mean time keep a track on our Twitter space OSOpenSpace_Svc
We are working to resolve this problem as quickly as possible and will update the twitter feed as soon as we have any more information.
Kind regards

We have an Ordnance Survey Map on our Web site which you can access from the Find a Location which is on the top menu bar of this page.

Just type in 'Two bridges' and it will show you the location of the place.

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