How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners (General)

by tonyjenkins @, Friday, April 02, 2010, 22:17 (5450 days ago)

Continued on from →

Hi David

Your help is much appreciated.

Could you plaese advise how I can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners plus copy of the the names of those in residence?

Plot 1852 corresponds with the property rented by my grandparents in 1926 while property 1859 Next to Browns Hill correspond with the property rented during the 1950's by my Great Uncle Robert.

The property you marked in red came into the family through William Wood the father of my 4x GGrandmother. On her death in 1861 the property was left to Willian Jenkins the person who I believe was living in the property adjacent to Browns Hill.

Kind Regards

Tony Jenkins

How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, April 03, 2010, 06:00 (5450 days ago) @ tonyjenkins

Landowners Names and Maps

Details are on the following web page of this Web site.

Also see →

How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners

by dsteel @, Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 04:58 (5447 days ago) @ tonyjenkins

Hello again, Tony.

I have browsed copies of the occupiers' schedule at Gloucestershire RO and at the Gage library at the museum in the forest, but since the fire, who knows?
A complete set of all Tithe Maps and Apportionments is held at The National Archives under reference numbers IR 29 and IR 30.
I would be quite happy to send you photo-copies of the owners' schedule, either by post or by e-mail. There are six A4 pages which I could scan as images and forward as attachments. Perhaps you would let me know, off-list, which you prefer. As Admin. advises us not to include e-mail addresses on this board, let's see if we can confuse the "trawlers". My user name is dsteel and I can be found at optusnet dotcom dotau.


How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 09:34 (5446 days ago) @ dsteel


If you have copies of the owners' schedule or anything else you that would be of interest to our members which you would like to share, you can always send them to us in digital format and I will put them in our download section.

How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners

by dsteel @, Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 15:05 (5446 days ago) @ admin

If I were to forward a copy of the Tithe map owners' schedule in the form that I have it, I would arguably be in breach of copyright. One of these days I'll get around to re-transcribing it into digital form, then I'll feel free to forward a copy to you.

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