COOPER family 1890's Cinderford (General)

by unknown, Thursday, April 15, 2010, 12:05 (5437 days ago) @ slowhands

WOW! but not all right. Alice, Edith and Florence I think are correct but not Beatrice and Tugela. My understanding of it is that the daughters were all born between about 1890 and 1900. Alice was the eldest and Florrie was the youngest. I understood that Mary Ann, the mother, died in childbirth of Florrie which is why Alice, in the 1901 census, was living with her Uncle and Aunt Thomas and Sarah jordan. The other sisters were known as Beatrice, Tugela and Mabel(May) so these were probably their first names. This is all from memory and might not be completely accurate but I don't think Mary Ann lived to see the 1901 census. Thanks for all the info you have given me. I need to digest it all now.

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