History of Wyndham Arms, Clearwell (General)

by tonyjenkins @, Sunday, April 18, 2010, 14:17 (5434 days ago) @ dsteel

Hi David

Based on your copy of the 1840 Tithe map I have tried to recreate the route of the 1861 census numerator based on the fact that my Peter Jenkins lived in the cottage between plots 1915 and 1918

In my opinion the 1861 numerator walked down Newland Street as follows

plot 1919 Thomas Williams
plot 1920 John George
plot 1922 Richard and Susannah Jenkins (my 3x GGrandparents)
plot 1922a Thomas Morgan (Wyndham Arms)

The numerartor the crossed the road to

plot 1915 Thomas Williams
plot ? Peter and Esther Jenkins (my 4x GGrandparents)Red on your Tithe map
plot 1918 Margaret Jones

He then continued up the north side of Newland street towards The Lamb

The 1860 census for Clearwell was completed in two parts the second coming down from Clearwell Castle to the cross then turning right towards the Chapel of Ease

For interest Plot 1922 is made up of a cottage (attached to the Wyndham Arms and a seperate barn type building). The attached cottage is now used by the Wyndham arms as their kitchen. The seperate barn has an open area to the right. I believe this barn was used for the preparation and dressing of stone used to build Clearwell Church. If my theory is correct it would match the trade followed by Richard Jenkins(Stone cutter/Mason)

Hope this helps


Tony Jenkins

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