Burials in Ledbury 1800s (General)

by bramcor, Saturday, May 01, 2010, 15:02 (5421 days ago) @ billingham

Thank you, Billingham...you give me hope that Ledbury will retain much of the flavour of an earlier time. We will be arriving by train from Birmingham & then intend walking from the station, though I see on various maps (including some excellent "real-life" type maps that have let me walk the route already via the computer) that there are bus stops along the HOmend. WE figured the walk to the Market House & then to the church would be something we could handle.
For me it will be the highlight of a journey that began when I started reearching our family history - in Birmingham I will see the area where my father's ancestors lived & in Ledbury it will be the turn of my mother's family. I am delighted to have been given information here to help (not just in the forum, of course. The parish records have been invaluable).


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