Citing Sources (General)

by reporter, Saturday, May 08, 2010, 21:23 (5414 days ago) @ wamorgan

I think it's important to record that the source is a transcription, done by a 3rd party (ie not yourself).

I use a simple title of "Forest of Dean Parish Transcription" and then cut-and -paste the full text of that transcription. My master source details have the full website address.

In this way another researcher could find the original record, or just the FoD version.

There's a lot of advice on source citations, but you could easily spend more time on entering those details than doing the actual research!

Other FoD website info I annotate as "Forest of Dean Website"...."forum", or "pictures", or whatever, with details of submitter and date. When people email me details I use "From the records of......(FoD website)"

Hope others have a better system to offer, though!

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