DUFTY family (General)

by wendyanncollins, Sunday, May 09, 2010, 09:39 (5413 days ago)

Hi My name is Calvin Dufty I have just visited Thomas and Louisa nee craddock Dufty at Shortland Cemetrey in Thames NZ.Thats 7 generations dead and alive in Thames NZ If anyone could give me any Uk history of Thomas would really apprec I believe Thomas and Hannah Lewis also settled here.He a milk vendordied 1872 from fit His grave isnt there ie destroyed by the elements Thomas and Louisa emigrated abt 1862


Thomas & Louisa DUFTY Pillowell / Whitecroft (?)- assoc thread

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, May 09, 2010, 09:56 (5413 days ago) @ wendyanncollins

some dates / ages etc would be really helpful !!!

We touched on this line in a prior thread ( just a touch no more :-) )


<><><><> is this the family ?

1861 Pillowell
Thomas Dufty abt 1831 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Louisa Dufty abt 1834 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Frances Dufty abt 1860 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire

Possible marriage
Name: Louisa Craddock
Name: Thomas Duffty
Year of Registration: 1852
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 45

William Craddock abt 1788 Wollaston, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Maria Craddock abt 1804 Surrsway, Monmouthshire, Wales Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
William Craddock abt 1826 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean, Gloucestershire
Louisa Craddock abt 1834 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Julia Craddock abt 1840 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Craddock abt 1845 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Charlotte Craddock abt 1848 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas Duffely abt 1831 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Lodger West Dean, Gloucestershire
George Howell abt 1820 Bream, Gloucestershire, England Lodger West Dean, Gloucestershire

1841 Whitecroft
Ann Diffty abt 1811 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Joseph Diffty abt 1811 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Thomas Diffty abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Richard Diffty abt 1833 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Edmond Diffty abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Joseph Diffty abt 1838 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Martha Diffty abt 1840 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire

Year: 1830
Month: Dec
Day: 26
Parents_Surname: DUFFY
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Joseph
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Whitecroft
Occupation: Coal Miner
Officiating_Minister: H[enr]y Poole Minister
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P245 IN 1/9
Page_Number: 62
Parish_Chapel: Parkend

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Thomas & Louisa DUFTY Pillowell / Whitecroft (?)- assoc thread

by wendyanncollins, Monday, May 10, 2010, 08:30 (5412 days ago) @ slowhands

Many thanks Looks like them,year of births seem correct ,definite on marriage.Thomas died 1/2/1921 Louisa 24/8/1914 I come from their son William born in Melbourne so feel Elizabeth was his sister Any suggestions regarding more info Kind Regards Calvin


by terry2424 @, LYDNEY FOREST OF DEAN, Monday, May 10, 2010, 11:22 (5412 days ago) @ wendyanncollins

Hi There
I have a Joseph Dufty in my tree born c1879 in Bream. and he was buried 15th April 1944 at St James`s Church in Bream he married my Gt Aunt Annie Elizabeth James Baptised 31st October 1887 and she was buried 26 November 1966 also at St James`s Bream. His father was Joseph Dufty Mother Sarah Ann nee Worgan is there a connection with your tree
Terry James

DUFTY family

by unknown, Monday, May 10, 2010, 11:01 (5412 days ago) @ wendyanncollins

Hi Calvin,

My Name is Steven Scott. I am desceded from Thomas Dufty as well, through his daughter Louisa Dufty. There is a family tree at this address http://duffety1798.tribalpages.com/ There are some of the descendants shown in the family tree, as well as more ancestors. You can also add descendants, but you will need to click request invitation to do so. Was it Thomas Dufty you were referring to who died from a fit in 1872? I have a newspaper article regarding this, but have not been able to identify who it is.

Thames New Zealand

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Monday, May 10, 2010, 21:09 (5412 days ago) @ unknown

I've been to Thames,in a flying visit to New Zealand, a lovely place it is too (I went in a lovely cafe there and enjoyed the antique shops) three and a half years ago. I wish I had known there were people with F of D ancestors there!

DUFTY family

by hamptons @, Monday, May 10, 2010, 21:00 (5412 days ago) @ wendyanncollins

I am also a distant descendent of Thomas Dufty through Louisa Craddock 1834-1914.I have that he Married Louisa in Bream in 1852 but I also have a marraige for him with Hannah Maria Lewis 1840- on the 25 Dec 1860 at Parkend.Did he divorce Louisa because she didnt die until 1914 and who did he emigrate with because both wifes seem to have died in Australia or New Zwaland.Is there two Thomas Duftys that i am getting confused with.The one who married Hannah his father was a james Dufty and Thomas also had a brother called William.I have one child for Thomas and Louisa called Elizabeth francis and two children for thomas and hannah Lewis 1840 a sophie Dufty and a Samuel Dufty.If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated thanks Angela Teague.

DUFTY family

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, May 10, 2010, 22:37 (5412 days ago) @ hamptons

there are some hints and answers here :-


Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

DUFTY family

by shaneduffety, Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 05:31 (5412 days ago) @ hamptons

Hi this is my website http://duffety1798.tribalpages.com/ should help you sort out your Duffety/Dufty, yes two Thomas Dufty,s both sailed to Nz, one is a son of my great great grandfather James Duffety and the other is son of Joseph Duffety brother of James. James and Joseph are both sons of Thomas Duffety and Martha Long of Bedminster, Bristol, England, who are my 3rd Great Grandparents.

Shane Duffety.

DUFTY family

by shaneduffety, Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 04:40 (5411 days ago) @ shaneduffety

The Family of Thomas Duffety born 1833 son of my 2nd Great Grandfather James Duffety
with wife Hannah Maria Lewis and son Samuel Duffety.
Listed aboard the ship Eagle Speed in 1976 bound for New Zealand, the surname was
recorded as Doughty.

Eagle Speed
Ship: 1237 tons
Captain: Brisden
Surgeon Superintendent: Dr F Robinson
Sailed London June12th 1864 - arrived Auckland October 16th 1864

The fine ship Eagle Speed made her anchorage in the harbor yesterday morning 16th
October 1864, after a protracted voyage of 125days from London. She left Gravesend on
the 12th June, and after a succession of adverse winds down the channel, took her
final departure from near Mounte's Bay Cornwell on the 22nd June. Light Variable
winds were experienced until crossing the equator, on the 1st August.
During the 19 days the ship was detained by these winds, between Cape de Verde
Islands and the equator, it was discovered that the main piece of the rudder was
sprung, and that the tiller made nearly double the angle with the ships keel of that
of the tall piece. This unfortunate circumstance considerably impeded the progress of
the ship during the remainder of the voyage, as it was found necessary, in order to
steer the ship at all, to carry much less sail than she otherwise would have done.
From the equator to the Cape of Good Hope the usual trade winds and southerly weather
was experienced. The Island of Tristan D'Aounha was made on the 25th August, and the
Meridian of the Cape on the 1st September. From this point to the S.W cape of
Tasmania the ship had, for most part, steady breeze and fair weather. It was however
found impossible to bring out the sailing capabilities of this fine vessel, in
consequence of the damage done to the rudder, even under an ordinary pressure of sail
no canvas could be kept on the mizzen mast. Immedediately upon the discovery of the
disabled condition of the rudder, the necessary precautions were at once taken, and a
spare tiller was forged on board.
The New Zealand coast was sighted on the 13th October, and the North Cape rounded the
following day, Cape Brett being passed on Saturday. Moderate winds from the N.R have
prevailed on the coast.
The above report will account for the protracted and tedious passage of this vessel.
Before leaving Auckland a new rudder will be shipped, and we have no doubt the fine
qualities of this clipper ship will be brought out on her return trip.
The Eagle Speed is in command of Captain Brinsden, who it will be remembered, came
last year in command of the "William Miles". Captain Brinsden, has on this occasion,
won the esteem of the passengers, who speak of him in the highest terms, and the neat
and cleanly appearance of the ship upon entering the harbor is commendable.
The total number of passengers aboard is 101, a large number of whom are the Church
of England Settlement, and have received free passage.
Dr. Fredrick John Robinson, F.B.C.S. England, is the medical officer and
superintendent in charge. There have been no deaths and only one birth during the
The Eagle Speed is one of the largest vessels that have entered our harbor, her
register being 1237 tons. She has on board over 1500 tons of merchandise. Her
handsome saloon is particularly worthy of notice. It is fitted up with the latest
improvements and has every possible convenience for the comfort of passengers.
Listed below in Thomas Dufty and wife Hannah Maria Lewis with son Samuel Dufty, note
the surname is spelt Doughty.

Thomas DOUGHTY Miner
Hannah and Samual DOUGHTY

Another Family of Duffety

The family of Thomas Duffety born 1830 son of Joseph Duffety born 1807 and Ann
Balwin, recorded as Duffty.
Travelled with wife Louisa Craddock and daughter Elizabeth Duffety.

1227 ton vessel
Built in 1860

London? (3rd Jul 1862) to Lyttelton (20th Oct 1862)
Under Captain Aitkin.


The Queen of the Mersey, another American-built ship of 1227 tons, was built in 1860
for Mr. H. Melvain, of Newcastle. In 1862 she was chartered for two voyages to New
Zealand. On July 3 she sailed from London for Lyttelton with 349 Government
immigrants under Captain Aitkin, and arrived on October 19, 1862, making the passage
in 108 days. Ten deaths occurred, mostly children, from measles, During the passage a
serious mutiny took place among a portion of the crew. The cause of the offence was
the old story, "grog," some of the crew having contrived to broach cargo and get at
the spirits. After the men had been placed in irons Captain Aitkin was violently
assaulted and struck by one of the sailors with the handcuffs, by which he was
seriously hurt. On arrival of the ship at Lyttelton five of the men were brought up
at the Police Court and sentenced to a term of imprisonment
After arriving in Lyttelton, New Zealand sons Samuel and William were born.

Thomas died in 1921 Parawai, Thames, New Zealand.
Lousia died in 1914 Thames, New Zealand.

DUFTY family

by hamptons @, Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 14:36 (5410 days ago) @ shaneduffety

Thankyou very much for the info Shane, it now clears up the problems i had trying to work out who was who, it was greatly appreciated thanks again Angela.

DUFTY family

by wendyanncollins, Thursday, May 13, 2010, 08:52 (5409 days ago) @ hamptons

yes there were 2 Thomas Dufty both came to Thames nz One married Louisa CRaddock and they had 8 children a William who was my geat grandfather They are buried together in Shortland at Thames.I believe the other died from a fit delievering milk in thames around 1880 his grave is just grass I believe Hannah his wife remarried in Thames.There is a excellent website Duffety family which has Thomas and louisa amily tree with descendants Kind Regards Calvin Dufty or Duffety as was originally

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