Charlotte Phelps married James Johnson Abenhall Dec 1834 (General)

by maggie, Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 13:47 (5411 days ago)

I posted a message in 2008 about Charlotte Phelps parents and from the replies ruled certain parents out -but I am no further on despite extensive searches over the years and recently as to her parentage.
She married James Johnson in Abenhall Dec 27 1834 -I have followed her in all censuses and have her death cert. Her age doesn't vary much born 1813-15 and place of birth Edge Hills or Abinghall -then Abenhall -but I can find her baptism. There is a Charlotte Dean for FEB 1813 in Abenhall but I dont think it would be the sameperson the surname is so different.
I would be grateful for any help with this!

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