Archive Message: Mercy JONES married Thomas YERZZLEY 1827 Awre (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 04:59 (5397 days ago) @ yearsleytree

I am looking for information on Mercy Jones. Mercy was born about 1803 but I have no idea where she was born.

Mercy married Thomas Yerzzley (Yearsley) on 2 June, 1827 at Awre with Blakeney.

Mercy and Thomas had the following children:-
Walter - no information.
Charlotte ann - born 1828, baptised 2 Nov, 1828 at Awre with Blakeney.
George Edward - baptised 7 Aug, 1836 at Awre with Blakeney.

Mercy was buried at Awre, 14 Aug, 1836, aged 43 yrs.

Looking forward to any replies.

Linda Ferris.

Northallerton, Northyorkshire England
Monday, November 12, 2001 at 02:02:40

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