Old Mill, Pencraig (General)

by hallm, Tuesday, June 01, 2010, 11:25 (5390 days ago)

HALL family living here census 1911. Clement Hall Miller and Baker. Glewstone/Goodrich/Pencraig seem to all merge together when trying to find anything. Reserched lots of mills in the general area, but none fit. It was a derelict in the 1950's when the family revisited it. They left the main road and turned into a lane to get to it. You could see the mill from the side of the road. It burnt down circa 1913. Possibly the A40 has been built over it.

Any suggestions or details of maps would be appreciated. We think the Halls went to Blakeney after the fire and (William) Clement Hall became a miner, then a Baker again in 1918.

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