ST John's Church Cinderford graveyard reference (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, June 08, 2010, 11:58 (5383 days ago) @ pullin

Hi Pullin

Have been in contact with one of the Church people.
They have a selection of notebooks from which they have a variety of info.

They have quoted for the folowing entries.


3 x Watkins surname only
1 x Albert & Kids
1 x Chas
1 x W.M.
1 x Sarah Anne

Surname DAVIS

1 x Mrs Davis
1 x Mr & Mrs DAvis
3 x Davis
1 x Mar Anne
1 x Shirley Ann
1 x Anne

They suggest that your first port of call is to the GlouceterShire Record Office, Alvin St Gloucester. Ask to see the official Burial Records, by the entry for the person there may be a pencilled in row number giving the location.

If you are able to get that reference then speak to Church person who may then be able to point you to a location in the churchyard.
(Separate email with contact details sent)

The churchyard at the moment is currently a bit of mess in places.
Parts have been cut, I understand that within the next few weeks further cutting will take place.

Should the plot you are looking for be in the "rough" area then, I would suggest that you wear stout footware and long trousers. The grass is some 12 inches or more high, the ground extremely uneven.

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