John COLEMAN, born 1654 (General)
by smaughan, Wednesday, June 09, 2010, 19:31 (5381 days ago)
do you have any information about John Coleman, born 1654 Died 3 dec. 1732? I an looking for his fathers dates.
Thanks ~ Suzan
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by admin , Forest of Dean, Thursday, June 10, 2010, 04:25 (5381 days ago) @ smaughan
Telling us where John Coleman was born and died would help.
→ Please make sure you include: Name - Dates - Location
As we are getting into the years where there are few parish records available and those that are available are sparse on details. So if there are no other sources of information such as wills, property transfers or informative and well-preserved gravestones, that may be the end of the line.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by john hayward , Thursday, June 10, 2010, 17:19 (5381 days ago) @ admin
Re John COLMAN b.1654. There is a Monumental Inscription as follows at Longhope Parish Church:
In Memory of John COLMAN, who departed this Life December 3, 1732 aged 78 years.Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth, the beloved Wife of John COLMAN, who died May the 9, 1726 age 72 years.
It would appear from the Forest of Dean transcript of parish records that John Colman married Elizabeth Bendfile 4/3/1678/79 at English Bicknor. The name Bendfile sounds rather strange. Is it possible to view the original entry?
Do you think anyone would be interested in seeing a likeness of Ann Kidson born 21/9/1797 at Longhope, Glos. She married Benjamin Yeates of Monmouth in 1827 and I have a likeness of him also. Also of Sarah Kidson baptised 29/3/1793 and who was Ann's sister. She was Benjamin's first wife, married in 1818, but died age 29 in 1822 and was buried at Longhope. These were the days before photography.
John Hayward
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by smaughan, Thursday, June 10, 2010, 19:29 (5380 days ago) @ john hayward
Thanks so much for the info on John Colman was there any info on his parents?
Don't know about Elizabeth last name I think it might be Benfield. What do you think?
The other people I am not aquinted with.
Thanks so much for your help.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by john hayward , Friday, June 11, 2010, 11:41 (5380 days ago) @ smaughan
Benfield is correct. The parish record of 4/3/1678 states John Coulman married Elizabeth Benfild. No news re his parents I'm afraid.
Many thanks,
John Hayward
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by anthonyworgan , Monday, June 14, 2010, 11:16 (5377 days ago) @ smaughan
Yes, the surname of Elizabeth, wife of John Coleman was BENFIELD.
Many years ago I came across a printed book of marriage allegations at Gloucester Record Office & found the following:
Marriage Alllegation 19th Feb 1678/9 English Bicknor or Newland
John Coleman (22) Timberman
Elizabeth Benfield (26)
Elizabeth was the daughter of John Benfield, Yeoman of Coleford (born circa 1625 & buried 28 April 1708 at Newland) & Susanna (surname unknown) who was buried 3 January 1677/8 at Newland. John Benfield left a very detailed WILL - dated 11 February 1707 & Proved 4 May 1708 in which daughter Elizabeth & many other members of the family are mentioned.
The Colman family also had a coat of arms:
Arms; Argent, on a Pale Rayonee Or, a Lion rampant of the first as listed by Bigland in his book of 1786.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by john hayward , Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 10:46 (5376 days ago) @ anthonyworgan
Your comments are certainly very interesting. My connection is via Coleman/Parry/Kidson/Yeates/Greene/Hayward.
The Coleman Coat of Arms are also mentioned in the Monumental Inscriptions for Longhope.
Do you have a copy of the Will of John Benfield that you mentioned dated 1707? I think he would be my 6 x great grandfather. If you do have a copy is it possible to email a copy of it to If not then I will see if I can get a copy fron Gloucester RO.
John Hayward
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by smaughan, Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 18:08 (5376 days ago) @ john hayward
Hi Both of You,
You both have been so helpful. What would be your suggestion to finding John Colmans parents. Is his last name spelled Coleman or Colman? when I get to Longhope in Sept. I'll see what I can do about getting a copy of the records for John Colman and John Benfield. My connection is my mothers maiden name is Coleman. My grandfather was born around Birmingham in 1889 and immigrated with his parents, brothers & sisters when he was around 7 years old.
Best Regards,
Suzan Maughan
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by john hayward , Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 18:47 (5376 days ago) @ smaughan
I suggest you visit the Gloucester Record Office rather than Longhope Church as all the records will have been deposited there. Even the records of monumental inscriptions are held at the Record Office. Look for baptisms at Longhope around the period 1654 in both Bishop Transcript and Parish Registers but he may have come into the parish from elsewhere and this is where it gets tricky.
If you have a rough idea when a person has died then maybe that he left a Will. You can investigate this by contacting the Record Office on the Web and look for an index of Wills for Coleman,Colman or Coulman. Similarly for Benfield.
I have a transcript of a Will made by a John Colman in 1745 in which he leaves £5 to have a tomb constructed for him on his decease.They seem to have been quite wealthy as he bequeaths large sums of money to various relatives i.e.£40 and £50 large sums for the time I would think.
Another possible avenue for exploration is if any of the Colman relatives were married by License. This again gives additional information on a marriage not recorded in the Parish Register.
I am not sure whether the Coat of Arms might lead somewhere. Perhaps it depends how long they have been in the family.
Good hunting,
John Hayward
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by smaughan, Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 21:07 (5375 days ago) @ john hayward
thanks John,
Suzan Maughan
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by anthonyworgan , Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 12:15 (5375 days ago) @ smaughan
Hi Suzan,
Colman seems to be the spelling on the family tombs in Longhope churchyards as recorded by Bigland. Coleman is the spelling used in the WILL of John Benfield for his married daughter Elizabeth. As spelling was not set in those days, you have to use all variations. There should be WILLS as this family were indeed wealthy which could help in tracing the parents of John Colman/Coleman. I looked on the Gloucester Record Office site yesterday & unfortunately there does not seem to be early ones - but I could be wrong.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by anthonyworgan , Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 11:59 (5375 days ago) @ john hayward
I will be most happy to email you my transcription of this WILL. I did intend to put it on this site (not sure of copywrite conditions & there are a few words at the end that I am not sure of). It's a super WILL, even mentions 'one dough trench'(left to his grand-daughter Sarah Benfield) - when home bread making was an everyday occurance!
The Gloucester Record Office reference for this WILL & Inventory is:
1708 Benfield John Newland 1708/78 & 1708 Benfield John Coleford 1708/78.
My 2 x gt grandmother Jane Benfield was in turn the 4 x gt grand-daughter of John Benfield.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by smaughan, Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 23:57 (5374 days ago) @ anthonyworgan
I would appreciate a copy, however I am sure that I can get one when I'm there in September. It will be exciting to get into some research on location. Hope I can find John Colemans father, I'd hate to be stopped!
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by bristolloggerheads , Thursday, June 17, 2010, 20:02 (5373 days ago) @ smaughan
As "timberman" was mentioned - there is a PCC will:
Will of Edward Coleman, Timberman 19 January 1659 PROB 11/28
No location I'm afraid.
John COLEMAN, born 1654
by smaughan, Thursday, June 17, 2010, 20:32 (5373 days ago) @ bristolloggerheads
thanks, thats a beginning.
Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707
by admin , Forest of Dean, Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 03:51 (5369 days ago) @ anthonyworgan
BENEFIELD - Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707.pdf
Downloads - Wills Section
Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707
by smaughan, Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 17:36 (5369 days ago) @ admin
Thank you for the Will ~
Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707
by dirt2design , Sunday, July 28, 2013, 05:46 (4237 days ago) @ smaughan
Hello Susan,
I am a descendant of John Coleman and have just come upon this thread. I would love to chat to see how your trip was to Longhope etc. I am making the same trip this September, 2013. I have quite a lot accomplished on my tree research however, I am stuck at the same place you "were" before your trip. I am planning to visit Little Waldingfield where Edward Coleman's records are. Did you ever find John's father? I have not. I am wonderfing if the family is connected to the Essex branch and those who went abroard. My branch of the Coleman family married into the Baggett/Baggott family. This family also had a coat of arms and crest. The family still resides at "Blithfield Hall". Timothy Coleman and Mary Baggett left Huntley and migrated to Swansea for work. I have a tree on ancestry if you would like an invite I could arrange that. My email is
~ Dana
Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Sunday, July 28, 2013, 13:37 (4237 days ago) @ dirt2design
Hi Dana and a warm welcome to the forum.
I'm guessing by your time of writing you're not in the Forest or possibly even UK, which is fine of course, many forum users are from all over the world and all are very welcome. Unfortunately it seems unlikely that Suzan will see your post; her username is NOT displayed in blue which means she's not visited the forum for some while, however theres always a chance she'll revisit of course, I do hope she sees your post somehow. Please can you ensure you read the "must read before posting" section at top of the forum menu, it advises you not to include complete email addresses or phone numbers etc. Sadly being a public forum all such information may be read and possibly "captured" by the automated systems used by undesirable "scammers" so you might received unwanted and possibly damaging emails. Any forum user can still send you emails using the direct & secure email system within the site, by clciking the blue envelope icon by each username. At the very least, please edit your post to replace the @ symbol with AT, or similar, I'm told this is safer. Thankyou.
You mention Longhope; if you havent already found mention of it perhaps while searching this forum or the rest of this website, there is also an excellent Longhope village website you might like to visit, another good source of all things present & past wrt the village. The section on All Saints Church includes photos and transcriptions of many memorials and a layout plan of the churchyard. The Church and adjoining churchyard is well worth visiting in person, a delightful place within a lovely old village.
Hoping this helps a little and good luck with your researches.
Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707
by dirt2design , Sunday, July 28, 2013, 14:18 (4237 days ago) @ Jefff
Dear Jeff,
Much thanks for the heads up. I tried to change the email but I couldn't find "edit" any longer. I will send the History Trust a note. Thanks you for filling me in on Susan that's too bad. I am in the exact spot she was in 2010. The person who forwarded her the "WILL" is he still a memeber on this site?
I personally feel that John Coleman was the first generation to migrate to Longhope. Many have connected his father Richard to the US.
Thanks you for the website in Longhope which I have seen. I will visit the area during my trip. Perhaps Essex will have further clues.
My thanks again.