Baptised at both Coleford and Newland (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, June 12, 2010, 17:51 (5379 days ago) @ Jerry Hale

Coleford was a Chapelry of Newland before it became a parish of its own.

It is not uncommon to find records in a Chapelry and then an apparent duplicate in Newland's records.

What is a Chapelry?

A Chapelry had a similar status to a township but was so named as it had a chapel which acted as a subsidiary place of worship to the main Parish Church....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The 'wandering' I would imagine was to obtain work. The family still basically lived in the same area as there is only about 5 miles from one place they lived to the next place, the distance could actually be less depending upon if they lived in the centre or the outskirts of the places.

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