Benjamin Yeates of Monmouth (General)

by john hayward @, Sunday, June 13, 2010, 21:43 (5377 days ago) @ patsy

Hi Patsy,
Thank you for your recent reply re Benjamin Yeates.
The line that you refer to i.e.Benjamin Yeates married to Harriett FARRER, is descended from Richard Yeates-timber cutter, brother to Benjamin YEATES - cider merchant. Richard was born about 1749 and married Jane BEVAN in 1778 by Licence at Dixton.
Have you a connection with this line as they were shoemakers in Monmouth.I have Benjamin & Harriett as having a son called Benjamin born about 1800 and died in 1871, but no christening date as the info was, I believe, obtained from a monumental inscription, plus other family members
Could you let me have your email address as I have quite a lot of info that I am sure would interest you as well as my version of the family tree which is very simplistic. I have a likeness of Benjamin Yeates and his wife Ann Kidson which I believe was made in about 1827 when they were married, before photography was invented. Also a silhoutte of Sarah Kidson his first wife who died age 29 in 1822 probably in childbirth as she had a stillborn child according to the family bible.
They had a daughter Ann Tippins Yeates who is my gt gt grandmother. Her sister Sarah Tippins Yeates married George Williams and they emigrated to Canada in 1857 and a few years ago I was able to contact her descendants who now live in California, USA.
I also have a copy of his business card and a letterhead showing that he supplied material from his shop to Monmouth council about 1828.
Are you from Monmouth? I live in Newport and would very like to find out the whereabouts of his shop in Church St. My gt grandfather, William Henry Greene, who was a journalist and married Ann Tippins Yeates in 1857 at Monmouth, recounts a grisly story of what happened there years ago when it was called Butchers Row.
Incidentally, John Speeds map of Monmouthshire shows a layout of Monmouth in 1610 and Butcher's Row is shown there in what is now called Church St. Copies of John Speeds county maps of 1610 in beautiful colour and illustration can be obtained on the internet for about £15 inc postage. I have 6 of them which reflect where my ancestors came from.

My email address is and it would be much easier for me to email direct to you stuff that I am sure you would find of interest.
John Hayward

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