Henry GURNEY 1770?- 1821 Kempley, parents & siblings (General)

by rossgurney, Monday, June 28, 2010, 10:35 (5363 days ago)

Henry GURNEY married Phebe Perkins 24 Oct 1799. He was buried 1821 Kempley

Can anyone help me link Henry Gurney to his parents and siblings please?

The FOD transcripts show his marriage in 1799 and entries for 7 children but in none of these is there any information about his parents or siblings. All but 2 of his children were baptised in Kempley, the others in Dymock. His death entry puts his age at 51 in 1821 which if accurate would put his birth around 1700

I have a copy of Abraham’s marriage certificate in which Henry is named as Abraham’s father, and residence of Abraham at the time of marriage: Kempley Green.
His children:
Esther,- bapt 1800 Kempley, FOD transcriptions
Ann, - bapt 1802 Kempley, FOD transcriptions
William, - bapt 1805 Dymock, FOD transcriptions
Charlotte, - bapt 1807 Kempley, FOD transcriptions
Eliza, - bapt 1810 Kempley, FOD transcriptions
Abraham, - bapt 1812 Kempley, FOD transcriptions
Mirna - bapt 1821 Dymock, FOD transcriptions

There is an entry in IGI (www.familysearch.org) recording nothing other than he was born around 1773 in Dymock and that he married Phoebe.

A letter from the Gloucestershire County Archivist, Brian Smith in 1979, reported three other children: George, Edward and Maria bapt in 1815, 1817 and 1821 resp. None of these however appear in the Forest of Dean transcriptions and I have been unable to find them in ancestry.com or IGI.

Henry and Phebe’s weddng was witnessed by a Lettice Brooke.

I have looked at other Gurney families in the Forest of Dean which might have been his and have identified the following. There was a family in Kempley whose parents were William and Hester and who married on 7 July 1759 – her residence at the time of marriage was Upton Bishop but he was from Kempley.
Their children – all baptised in Kempley were
1762, Will
1761, Letitia
1766, Joseph
1769, Jane
1774, Ann
1777, Betty
1779, Thomas
1782, Catherine
If Henry were one of their children and born around 1700 there would be space in this sequence after Jane or even before Joseph. Possible supporting evidence:
a. Henry’s first child was named Esther – perhaps after Hester? One of his own children was named Ann, perhaps after the Ann born in 1774.
b. Henry appears as witness to two marriages – one Anne and the other Betty – this could well have happened if they were his sisters.

Can anyone help me to identify Henry’s parents? (I post this from New Zealand, so cannot at this stage work in situ.

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