PLAYER family (General)

by matchstix, Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 19:37 (5361 days ago)

Does anyone have any research info on any PLAYER family possibily from Newnham or any where in the Forest of Dean please. Many thanks. From Carol in South Africa.

PLAYER family; Newnham

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 19:46 (5361 days ago) @ matchstix

Happy to help , however some names and dates will help focus that help :-)

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Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

PLAYER family; Newnham

by matchstix, Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 13:06 (5361 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you Slowhands for replying to my message. Sorry not to have been very specific but I think I will have to go back to my original findings of my Player family in Winterbourne, Gloucestershire. I have tended to rush things and put 2 and 2 together on my own and I could be way off line!! The trouble is there are two many George Players. I originally had George born 1805, but numerous names of where he was born, eg. Frampton, Winterbourne, Frampton Cotterell and somehow I have ended up in Newnham. I will get back to Winterbourne Family History Site and try and find George Player born 1805 on All Saints Church, Winterbourne. I dont have access to micro films etc. I started to try and get back further than 1805 which seemed to go back to Richard and Elizabeth in Newnham but I think I may have lost the plot!!! not being able to verify things. Angie Whites site at Tribal Pages first had George Player 1805 which should be my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather as she is connected to my side. Anyway I musnt go on as Im sure you are busy trying to unravel yours. I just need to get the experts to really unravel mine!! and I have hoads of info! and just cannot stop doing it!! Obsessed obviously!! P.s. If I ask for email reply, who pays? I only asked for that as not gened up on how to find things on the forums etc.

May get back to you later. Hope u are having a good summer. Summer every day here but can get boring!

Regards Carol

Eastern Cape
East London

PLAYER (Newnham/Winterbourne)

by m p griffiths @, Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 13:47 (5361 days ago) @ matchstix

1871 Census, St Clement, Cornwall
St Clement Street

George PLAYER - Widower age 65, General Carrier, born Gloucestershire, Newneun
John E PLAYER - Son - age 18, Merchant Clerk, born Cornwall St Clement, Truro
Anne PLAYER - daughter 11 , Scholar
Hannah COLES Niece - age 30 Dressmaker, born London

1841 Census, Cornwall, St Clements,
Neptune Row

George PLAYER - 35, Labourer, (not born in County)
Eliza PLAYER - 40 - born in County
Richard PLAYER - 2 - born in County

George PLAYER, christened 12 June 1804 @ Newnham, parents Richard & Elizabeth

1871 Census, Winterbourne, District 14

George PLAYER - 67 Ag. Lab, born Frampton Cotterell
Ann PLAYER - 71, born Wickwar (Blind)
Mary - 21/31 - Laundress, born Winterbourne
Eliza - age 12, Granddaughter - born ditto

1841 Census, Winterbourne
Ancestry transcribed as PLOGER

George 39 (all born in County)
Ann 41
Mary Ann 17, John 15, Sarah 13, George 10, Benjamin 4, Mary 1

PLAYER (Newnham/Winterbourne)

by matchstix, Friday, July 02, 2010, 11:44 (5359 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Hello Mary

Tk you so much for replying to my PLAYER family. My George Player is definately the Winterbourne Census of 1871 and 1841 as originally I found that on Winterbourne Family History Site but I have been trying to get back further than George born abt 1804/1805 Frampton but on the family history site for Winterbourne some Churches they obviously havnt got records for 1800 to say 1806 but my searching lead me to Richard and Elizabeth in Newnham, somehow! then I thought maybe Frampton could have been Newnham in those days. Anyway I am probably way off course trying to put 2 and 2 togehter without access to micro films etc.

I think I need to find someone who has records for Frampton Cotterell Churches to find Georges record of birth/baptism that is if born Frampton means Frampton Cotterell or could mean Frampton on Severn. Not sure. Anyway I will track him down eventually and tks again. Are you from Wales? as I unbelievably found my Gt Grandfather Eli Players bible in Newport area with a present day relative. I just wrote to to 5 address from B.T.Phone Book and the first person to email was a relative!! Amazing. Hope I have made sense as had a hectic week with daughter and grandson (3)yrs!! and slightly weary!!

PLAYER (Newnham/Winterbourne)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, July 02, 2010, 12:10 (5359 days ago) @ matchstix

Frampton Cotterell records are held at the Bristol Records Office (Winterbourne is an adjoining Parish) - or you could try Rootsweb Bristol & Avon. My late mother-in-laws Thomas OSBORNE 20 September 1837 - baptism records states parents Samuel & Mary - abode : Frampton Cotterell - but was christened at Bitton.

I am a 'Wiltshire Moonraker' with Gloucestershire grandparents.

There are 'other' Players on census' who were born in Winterbourne - which may help with family groups.

Ancestry public members tree - does have Ann PLAYER c1810 Frampton Cotterell - parents John PLAYER & Mary nee (ANGEL) who married James POOLE

citation: 1881 Census, Ashleworth Glos. James POOLE 72, & (Ann POOLE - 71 - born Frampton Cotterell). This family are in Ashleworth from the 1841 census.

James 30, Ann 28, William 6, John 5, Jane 2, Henery - 8 months

George WIGMORE PLAYER & family; Frampton Cotterell

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, July 01, 2010, 08:33 (5360 days ago) @ matchstix

From your note this appears to be "your" George PLAYER

Name: Ann Wigmore Player
Estimated birth year: abt 1801
Year of Registration: 1885
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
Age at Death: 84
District: Barton Regis
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 147

Burial March 22nd

Name: George Wigmore Player
Estimated birth year: abt 1805
Year of Registration: 1885
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
Age at Death: 80
District: Barton Regis
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 145

Burial March 8th

1881 Prospect House
Geo. Player abt 1805 Frampton, Gloucestershire, England Head Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Ann Player abt 1801 Wickwar, Gloucestershire, England Wife Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Mary Player abt 1840 Winterbourne, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Winterbourne, Gloucestershire

George Player 67
Ann Player 71
Mary Player 21
Eliza Player 12

George Player abt 1804 Frampton Cotterell, Gloucestershire, England Head Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Ann Player abt 1800 Wickwar, Gloucestershire, England Wife Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Mary Player abt 1840 Winterbourne, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Eliza Player abt 1859 Winterbourne, Gloucestershire, England Granddaughter Winterbourne, Gloucestershire

George Player abt 1805 Winterbrne, Gloucestershire, England Head Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Ann Player abt 1801 Winterbrne, Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Robert Player abt 1835 Winterbrne, Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Benjn Player abt 1838 Winterbrne, Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Mary Player abt 1841 Winterbrne, Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire

George Ploger abt 1802 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Ann Ploger abt 1800 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Mary Ann Ploger abt 1824 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
John Ploger abt 1826 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Sarah Ploger abt 1828 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
George Ploger abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Robert Ploger abt 1834 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Benjamin Ploger abt 1837 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Mary Ploger abt 1840 Gloucestershire, England Winterbourne, Gloucestershire

Marriage: 26 DEC 1824 Winterbourne, Gloucester, England
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record.
The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
M172941 1673 1596177 IT 4-6 Film NONE
M172941 1686 - 1708 1596177 IT 4-6 Film NONE
M172941 1762 1596177 IT 4-6 Film NONE
M172941 1775 - 1860 1596177 IT 4-6 Film NONE

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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