JENKINS (+ website - Old photos FOD/Parish Magazines/Sling (General)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, July 01, 2010, 18:45 (5359 days ago) @ tonyjenkins

1901 Census
Monmouthshire West Dean
Marsh Lane

James JENKINS - 34 Coal Hewer, born West Dean
Mary Ann JENKINS - 32, born West Dean
Francis G JENKINS - 4 - born Mont LLanfanne (transcribed as)
William J JENKINS - 2 born Glos. Clearwell
Mabel A JENKINS - 6 months, born West Dean

FreeBDM : Lily Gertrude JENKINS - Dec Qtr 1903 - Monmouth District

Gloucestershire Records Office : mentions Clements End Chapel, Coleford

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Identifying churches/chapels from Parish Records

Clements End Chapel 1952 (Christmas Party/Fred Watkins - Sling Eng - Go to 'Home' - to search for FOD records/photos etc

previous thread: (Fred WATKINS & Mine and Sling)

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