PLAYER (Newnham/Winterbourne) (General)

by matchstix, Friday, July 02, 2010, 11:44 (5359 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Hello Mary

Tk you so much for replying to my PLAYER family. My George Player is definately the Winterbourne Census of 1871 and 1841 as originally I found that on Winterbourne Family History Site but I have been trying to get back further than George born abt 1804/1805 Frampton but on the family history site for Winterbourne some Churches they obviously havnt got records for 1800 to say 1806 but my searching lead me to Richard and Elizabeth in Newnham, somehow! then I thought maybe Frampton could have been Newnham in those days. Anyway I am probably way off course trying to put 2 and 2 togehter without access to micro films etc.

I think I need to find someone who has records for Frampton Cotterell Churches to find Georges record of birth/baptism that is if born Frampton means Frampton Cotterell or could mean Frampton on Severn. Not sure. Anyway I will track him down eventually and tks again. Are you from Wales? as I unbelievably found my Gt Grandfather Eli Players bible in Newport area with a present day relative. I just wrote to to 5 address from B.T.Phone Book and the first person to email was a relative!! Amazing. Hope I have made sense as had a hectic week with daughter and grandson (3)yrs!! and slightly weary!!

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