Johnathan Marfell (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, July 12, 2010, 16:21 (5348 days ago) @ Jean Herbert

I thought I had explained this to you in an email, but now that it appears as a question on this web site, my answer is below :

My version of events are that Jonathon Marfell bap 17 Apr 1764 married Hannah Herbert bap 8 Dec 1779 at Hope Mansell 13 Apr 1803. This Hannah Herbert was the daughter of John Herbert 1745 & Nancy Morgan. Her sister Tamar Herbert 1792 married Jonathon Marfell's brother Cornelius Marfell 1779 it being his second marriage, his first to a Rosanna Herbert 1789 who I have never traced.

Jonathon Marfell my 4 times Great Uncle and Cornelius Marfell my 3 times Great Grandfather were the sons of Richard Marfell 1734 & Mary Brain 1738, my 4 times Great Grandparents.

Jonathon Marfell 1764 died 9 Sep 1829 Street Farm, Hope Mansell, buried 12 Sep 1829 Hope Mansell & Hannah Herbert 1779 died 18 October 1829 Street Farm, Hope Mansell, buried 21 Oct 1829 Hope Mansell. Burials are not recorded in the Parish Records on this web site.

Memorial inscription - note Hannah's age :
Underneath are the remnants of Jonathan MARFELL of this parish who died Sept 9th 1829, aged 65 years, also Hannah MARFELL his wife died Oct 18 1829 aged 49 years, also Mary their daughter died August 5th 1829, aged 17 years. These all died in consequence of the fever. Jonathan MARFELL son of the above died March 12th 1838, aged 21.

I have wills for both Jonathon & Hannah Marfell(purchased from National Archives), one of the beneficiaries of Hannah's will was John Herbert.Jonathon & Hannah Marfell had 11 Children.

Hannah Herbert 1785 is my half 4 times great aunt and I have no marriage for her. Her parents William Herbert 1758 my 4 times great grandfather & Hannah Yemm. An oddity of the way relationships work is that William Herbert is my 4 times Great Grandfather, going back from his desendants from his first second wife Martha Woore who is my 4 times great grandmother. Their daughter Elizabeth Herbert married Thomas Marfell - my 3 times Great Grandfather. However William Herbert 1758's first wife Hannah Yemm 1758 is not related by me except by marriage i.e. she is not my 4 times Great Grandmother. I should say that I do not work out these relationships, my Family Tree software does.

Jim Ashton

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