Sarah LEGGE Tidenham (General)

by kdoc36 @, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 20:05 (5353 days ago) @ lozzy144

Hi Louise,

I haven't investigated much further since posting this as haven't got to Records office or sent for certificate.Now you have found her which i hadn't I will.

I must adnmit I hit my head that many times I gave up.The family seem to have spread wide and far.I thought Sarah may have been an illegitemate daughter which was why I couldn't find no records.

I will send for her birth certificate.The other Legg(e)s I have been trying to father out is William born 1852 and James born 1849.There mother was a Jane and there father WIlliam.I have presumed as Jane from Uley that William may well be another brother to James Tilley Legge who I am directly related to.Please ask any questions on info that I have on Legg(e)s in the area


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