Barrow Frere b1788 at Ross (General)

by Peter Preece @, Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 15:07 (5347 days ago)

I am researching the Frere family who came from Ross and Walford.
Barrow Frere b1788 at Ross farmed at Walford. He and his wife Elizabeth
had the following children all born at Walford:-
Eleanor b1816, Ann Dowell b1818, Barrow b1820, Elizabeth b1823, Mary Caroline b1824
Charlotte Sophia b1826, Caroline b1831.
In 1841 Barrow (senior) was in America with his brothers Charles 1787-1859 and
James b1783.
I am unable to find any more details than those outlined above except that
Ann Dowell married William Trouncer in 1847 in Ross and that they lived in Shropshire in the 1851 census.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, Peter.

Barrow FRERE's parents & siblings

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 15:26 (5347 days ago) @ Peter Preece

I am unable to find any more details than those outlined

Year: 1780
Month: Oct
Day: 18
Grooms_Surname: FRERE
Grooms_Forenames: James
Grooms_Residence: Ross
Brides_Surname: DUBBERLEY
Brides_Forenames: Eleanor
Brides_Residence: Walford
Licence_or_Banns: Licence
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Shusana Philpot
Witness_2: John Tovey
Officiating_Minister: John Beeston Curate
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: AO19/5
Parish_Chapel: Walford

1783 FRERE James James Eleanor Ross on Wye
1783 FRERE John James Eleanor Ross on Wye
1784 FRERE Anne James Eleanor Ross on Wye
1792 FRERE Eleanor James Eleanor Ross on Wye
1795 FRERE Elizabeth James Eleanor Ross on Wye

Year: 1826
Month: Apr
Day: 7
Surname: FRERE
Forenames: Eleanor
Residence: The Brook Town of Ross
Age_at_death: 70 yrs
Officiating_Minister: Thos Underwood Jun Curate
Event: Burial
Memoranda: Wife of Ja`s Frere Tanner
Page_No: 87
Parish_Chapel: Ross on Wye

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Barrow FRERE's parents & siblings

by Peter Preece @, Thursday, July 15, 2010, 15:25 (5346 days ago) @ slowhands

Slowhands- many thanks for your interest in Barrow Frere-every little helps.
Thanks, Peter Preece

Barrow FRERE's parents & siblings

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, July 15, 2010, 16:07 (5346 days ago) @ Peter Preece

FOD records

Eleanor FRERE married Arnold MERRICK, 18 October 1817, Ross on Wye
witnesses: Elizabeth LUCAS and Chas. FRERE

Arnold MERRICK, christened 10 August 1818 at ROS - Arnold -Music Master of the Parish of Cirencester

1841 Census, Cirencester


Arnold MERRICK - age 60 - Railway Secretary, not born in County
Eleanor MERRICK - age 51 - Railway Secretary, not born in County
Sabina SWINFORD - 19, Female Servant

The National Archives list:

Merrick, Arnold, 1782-1849 Railway Worker, Cirencester - NRA 35673 - held at the Herefordshire Record Office
1802-1840 - Journal & Almanack and Misc. Family papers

search: MERRICK Arnold on this website

1851 Census Cirencester

Queens Lane

Ellinor MERRICK - Widow - age 59 annuitant, born Herefordshire Ross (Blind)
Elizabeth D WILDEY - unmarried - 45, born Glos. Cheltenham
Charles FRERE - age 63, born Hereford, Ross
Elizabeth ELDRIDGE - 27, General Servant, born Glos. Bisley

1861 Census, Herefordshire, Ross
High Street

Eleanor MERRICK - Widow - age 69, Fund & Shareholder, born Herefordshire, Ross - Blind
Elizabeth WILDEY - unmarried, age 55, Companion of a Lady, born, Glos. Cheltenham
Elizabeth ELDRIDGE - 27, General Servant, born Glos. Bisley

Barrow FRERE's parents & siblings

by Peter Preece @, Saturday, July 17, 2010, 11:16 (5344 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Hi m p,
Many thanks for your reply re Barrow Frere.
It seems that he, his wife and all their
children sailed to New York from Bristol
on the "George Canning" in August 1832.
Peter Preece

Barrow FRERE

by Ann Broom, Sunday, February 11, 2018, 19:33 (2577 days ago) @ Peter Preece

Hi, Does anyone know where the land was in Walford that Barrow Frere farmed/ had tenancy of? The only tithe map - which might have helped I can find is 1840 and I am looking at around 1815. I'm looking into the history of Walford House where i live in one of the apartments and I have found a description of what sounds very like it as a new property on the land that Barrow Frere is tenent of. Can any one help?

Barrow FRERE

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, February 11, 2018, 22:24 (2577 days ago) @ Ann Broom

Is this the description you refer to? At the moment I can’t find any reference to this property on old maps.

BNA Hereford Journal - Wednesday 30 August 1815

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by JOHN TRISTRAM, At the Nag's Head Inn, in the Town of Ross, in the County of Hereford, Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of September, I815,

All that newly erected FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Garden, Fold, Barn, Stable, Building, several Pieces or Parcels of rich Arable, Meadow, Pasture Land, and Orcharding, called THE NEW HOUSE or CHAIRS, in the Parish of Walford, in the County of Hereford, now in the occupation of Mr. Barrow Frere, as tenant thereof, in the following Lots, or such others as may be agreed upon at the Time of Sale…………..

………..The House is commodious, and in thorough repair, situate in the Vale of Walford (nearly adjoining the Turnpike Road from Ross to Coleford, and within a short distance of the much admired River Wye), commanding pleasing and picturesque views of the adjacent highly diversified hills, and extremely well calculated for the residence of a genteel family. The lands are in excellent condition, and some of the Lots would be truly desirable for Building Purposes, as they command views of Goodrich Castle and the surrounding country. The Town of Ross is distant two miles. For a View of the Lots apply to the Tenant and for further Particulars to Mr. William Hooper, Attorney, Ross, if by letter post-paid.

Barrow FRERE

by Ann Broom, Monday, February 12, 2018, 15:36 (2577 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Hi Mike,
Many thanks for your reply. Yes that is the ad that I saw, it seems to describe Walford House well and also I haven't seen anything that advertises the property at a similar time. From what I have read in other sources it was thought that the house was built around 1830, however through researching it appears that one of the first residents- Samuel Woodfield Compton was in the house by 1820 so maybe even before this date. So its a bit of a puzzle. I thought that if I could find out where Barrow Frere did his farming it might help to discount the advert as being Walford House or confirm that it might be.
I also read that John Stratford Collins and John Partridge were involved somehow with the early days of the house, and I don't know how. I wondered if maybe Stratford Collins owned the land (he seems to own most of the land in my area of Walford) and maybe John Partridge lived there, which would maybe make him the first resident, but I have no proper evidence about either of their involvement
I am off to the archives in Hereford later this week and see where that takes me in the hunt as well!
Any advice from you would be great, this is the first time I have tried to do any research into historical stuff so I would be grateful.
many thanks

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