Dinah Beach/Beech/Burch/Buch/Birch (General)

by R. Richardson, Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 18:35 (5346 days ago)

I am seeking information about my GreatGGGGrandmother Dinah Beach, born 1787 - Forest of Dean. She married William Shillingford in 1813-St. Mary Stoke Newington, lived in Islington and had 7 children. I am interested in learning more about Dinah's parents and family history with regards to the Forest of Dean, and how she came to Islington. Her maiden name has been listed as Beach, Beech, Burch, Birch and Buch but on documents it appears to most often spelled as Beach/Beech. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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