Parkend Memories (General)

by daisymae, Friday, July 16, 2010, 12:04 (5344 days ago) @ admin

Hi their i posted a message on here yesterday, So i thought i'd share another little story, When we used to go down the Forest to stay with Gran and Grancher for a few week to give our Mother a break Gran would put us on the Bus to Blakeney ''she would tell the conductor where we needed to be dropped off'' to visit our Aunty Gwen and our cousens Diane and Cynthia it was so much fun to spend time with them, Then we would get back on bus where Gran would always be there to get us althought the bus always stopped outside the Square,
The water tap was outside in teh Square where Grancher would have to 'fetch' water for drinking /cooking. we would help 'mind i think we were more inderence than help''lol, We would walk to shewds shop 'not spelt right' get some seets or go to Turleys, the park consisted of a few swings but oh the memories are still there,

Well i hope you enjoy reading these, my sisters and i used to enjoy our times down there, O of couse we used to think our forest family spoke funny, I still don't no what 'mosummy means ' Grancher used to always say that, and ' how be o but'anyway thats it o happy days

From Geraldine

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