Gwynne Family Tree Update (General)

by PEG @, Friday, July 16, 2010, 18:37 (5344 days ago) @ stevedows

Hi Mary, it was great to see your reply to me!
Whilst I live in Sydney, Australia, we are actually in the UK for around 3 weeks, staying in the Forest of Dean, catching up with family & friends.
We arrived last weekend & have spent some of this last week on family history things.
This week we located the graves of Tom & Harriet Gwynne (nee Aston) in the Parkend churchyard. Tom & Harriet are my great great grandparents. I am descended from Tom's son James (who apparenty was known to everyone as Chippy Gwynne!).
This was 1 of our goals on this trip back.
It would be great if we were able to meet you while we are here?
I am not sure that this forum is the place to post contact details, so if you have any ideas of how we can make contact with a view to catching up (if you would like to do that) please share them with me!


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