Samuel Bennett about 1812 (General)
Samuel Bennett c1812 married Harriett Shearman c1811 on Jun 29 1834. I'm looking for parents of them both but unlucky so far. Can't find much about any of them at all in parish records. If anyone can help I'll be very grateful.
Samuel Bennett about 1812
Locations may help us to help you.
Samuel Bennett about 1812
This marriage wouldn't be in the FOD records as it was held at Leonard Stanley
Samuel BENNETT married Harriett SHEARMUR - 29 January 1834
Is this your Samuel
1841 Census, Dean Forest
Old Engine
Samuel - 25 (roughly c1816)
Harriett - 30
Daniel- 5
Mary - 1
1851 Census, East Dean
Samuel BENNETT - 31 - born Glos. N/K c1822
Harriet BENNETT - 31 - born Glos. N/K
+ family Daniel, Mary, William, John & Louisa
There is a Samuel BENNETT christened at KS - 8 September 1822, Samuel (labourer) & Elizabeth
1861 Census, East Dean
Old Engine
Samuel - 49 c1812 - Coal Miner, born Kings Stanley
Harriett - 50 - c1812 - born Kings Stanley
all children born East Dean
William 16, John 14,Louisa 11, Eliza 9, Matida 5, Sarah A 3
1871 East Dean
Broad Moor
Samuel - 58 -born Kings Stanley
Harriett - 59 - born Leonard Stanley
William 25, Matilda 15, Sarah Ann 13, Frederick (Grandson) age 2, born Flaxley
two SHURMER marriages at Kings Stanley from 1800
Joseph SHURMER - Elizabeth FOARDS - 2 February 1802
Samuel SHURMER (Mason) - Mary HARRIS - 19 April 1807
daughter Harriett - 15 January 1815
Google IGI Batch Numbers for Gloucestershire, then Kings Stanley to find family groups
Samuel BENNETT c 1812 Kings Stanley- prior thread
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Samuel Bennett about 1812
Sorry, yes, both parties came from Kings Stanley.