Doel/Dowle/Dole/Lucas (General)

by jayned, Thursday, July 22, 2010, 14:43 (5338 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you everyone for your help on the Dowle/Doel family. It is really appreciated!Please note that our branch of the family name appears to have changed from Doel to Dole to Dowle between circa 1850-1911. We think we have established that Mary Doel, nee Lucas, was my great-grandather Edward's mother. We have noted that Thomas, whom Mary was married to, died around the time Edward was born circa 1871/1872. However, we can't find a birth certificate for Edward (discounted the Edward Francis Doel/Doel born in 1871/72, Southwick, Wilts) as he turns up in the 1881 census as the son of Gideon Doel. We can't find any other Edward Doel/Dowle born anywhere in the country around this time in the Register of Births!! We are ordering Edward's marriage certificate, to Mary Alice Hewitt, in Barnsley, Yorkshire 1893 to see if we can find a father on there. Meanwhile, Edward appears to have a brother, Joseph, born in 1878 (born after the death of Thomas, Mary's husband), and another possible brother, Simeon born 1864, who are all in Barnsley on the 1891 and 1901 census. In 1891, Mary is listed as "living on her own means", which is curious as her "sons" were all miners with no indication anywhere of income from an inheritance/private money/rents. We are keen to find out if anyone knows anythng about Mary, Joseph or Simeon, as Edward told his own sons/daughters that he was a foundling with no family, and no-one in the family remembers him being in contact with any blood relatives. Hope this all makes sense. Any thoughts or leads gratefully received. And if anybody wants to contact me re using any of our info for their own research, please do. We'd be happy to help! Thank you.

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