Ordnance Survey Maps - British History on Line c1890 (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, July 23, 2010, 13:15 (5337 days ago) @ steve6975

British History on Line


or more direct - British History on Line Maps

(old maps for most of the UK are available)

click on Maps on the front page

Enter Place Name: - CINDERFORD

Up comes

1. Cinderford GL14

Ordnance Survey Map - 1891

which can be viewed, max/high/low/med


To find a small village......... - which isn't searchable by name.....

On the front page - there is a box to the left 'By Region'

Click on South West

then - in the larger main box - opposite the Heading (Classified) - click on - Maps (Ordnance Survey)


Ordnance Survey 1:10,560

Up comes a list for all Counties

Gloucestershire is No. 14

then you'll find a map that is in grids for Gloucestershire - click on these grids for areas...

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