Off Topic - Monmouthshire Parish records (General)

by DebAmbury, Saturday, July 24, 2010, 08:57 (5336 days ago) @ rowles

Hi All

Many Thanks firstly to the group Admin for allow me to post this thread, it is very much appreciated and been extremly helpful.

Thanks to all the replies I received on and off the list, again they have been extremly helpful.

As of late Thursday Mikes site is up and running again so is available for searches. A group of us are now working towards transfering the site to a new Website and undertaking a massive transcribing project, as you may guess there are many thousands of records to go through, so bare with us.

We will be including links to other sites, including the Forest of Dean project to allow our members to improve their search, we all know how much our Ancestors used to travel about, and it would be great way of passing on our knowledge and introducing people to such wonderful projects.

Thanks again to one and all

Debbie Ambury

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