Thomas Marshall general info (General)

by wendypursehouse, Sunday, July 25, 2010, 18:16 (5341 days ago) @ cityblue

Hi,Jean. My name is Wendy,i am in the process of doing my family tree. My mums maiden name Marshall.Thomas Marshall was the 3rd child of Richard Marshall and Margaret Clay[our 4xg grandparents] Thomas married Sarah Goode on 7th may 1843 in Ross Herefordshire. on the 1851 census he is a shepherd, married to Sarah,with children at Linton Hill, Linton,thats the last census info there is for him. At the age of 43yrs Sarah completed her migration along the Mormon Pioner Trail,on the 26 sep.1856.with the E,Ellsworth train.She was accompanied with her children, Lovina[12] Selins[10] Tryphena[10]Louisa[6] George[4] and Sarah[2]..Sarah went on to marry a Joseph Chadwick(b.1809 Cove,Yorkshire) they had two children William[1857)and Charles(1860). in 1880 she is 57yrs old a widow,keeping house for her son, Onieda,Idaho. We know that Thomas died in Herefordshire but unfortunatly we donnot know the cause....The story goes that Thomas was supposedly a wife beater,and Sarah chose the church over him,and followed them to if he died 1854 and Sarah [dau] was born 1854/5 ,she must have been already pregnant when she left England... begs the question......did she leave with Joseph Chadwick.... hope this helps some..Wendy

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