Thomas GUILLIM circa 1500 +/- 25 yrs (General)

by tomguilliam, Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 14:41 (5319 days ago) @ slowhands

I am not sure where that information came from, but in the book, Visitations to Glocestershire 1635, it shows the whole lineage back to Henry Willes, there may be some problems with spelling. Some decendants on the list spelled Guilliam or Guillim or Guillum or Gillim or even Gwilliam. There is also a problem with Isobell Dean being spelled Ysabel, Iylbell and otheres along with the last name, is is Dean or Deane. The book shows Deane. I found Several John Deanes about the same period, one of whom seem to get into a lot of trouble with Elizabeth the 1st. But one thing I have noted that according to the Visitations Book, Henry Willes wife, Jane or Janne, daughter of Lawrance, is listed in the geneology as surname Wins. but the visitation was misread and does not say Wins but says W "superscript"MS. I am not sure what this means. They used Sr to denote Sir and also St to denote Saint. so what is Wms., There are some Henry Wiles in Wales, so I am tracing that down and will post here.

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