Timothy Cooper St.Whites Flaxley. Help (General)

by beav2012 @, Adelaide, South Australia, Monday, August 23, 2010, 04:25 (5306 days ago)

I am trying to find more informtion on the will of Timothy Cooper 1814-1884. All I have found so far is a Probate and it states:

Cooper Timothy.
Personal Estate £431 16s 6d.
30 September. The Will of Timothy Cooper late of St.White's Flaxley in the County of Gloucester Farmer who died 31 January 1884 at St. White's was proved at Gloucester by George Frederick Church of Cinderford in the said County Butcher and Joseph Hague of Monk Hill Flaxley Farmer the Executors.

If his personal estate was worth so much why (and I may have this wrong) have I found his widow Eliza Cooper (was Turner)in the 1891 census working as a housekeeper at 157 Bedford Street, Liverpool.


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