Proberts - East/West/Little Dean, Coleford and Cinderford (General)

by wossgowinon, Sunday, September 05, 2010, 11:58 (5292 days ago)

I wonder whether anyone is able to help?

Currently i have traced my Paternal family history back to my ggggrandfather Thomas Probert but have been unable to find any cencus or birth/marriage/death records relating to Thomas. The details i have managed to obtain thus far are as follows:

ggggrandfather: Thomas Probert
Profession: Labourer

gggrandfather: John Probert
Born: 1869
Wife: Rosina (Rosa) Probert (nee Price)
Married: 14/11/1892 in St. John's Church, Coleford
Residence: Lane End, Coleford
Profession: Collier
Children: Beatrice Maud Probert (B. 1894/5), Leslie Oliver Probert (B. 26/11/1898), Edgar Roy Probert (B. 01/07/1911), Hilda (B. 1902), Ida (B. 1910).

gggrandfather: Leslie Oliver Probert
Born: 26/11/1898 in Upper Cwmbran
Died: 06/09/1940
Wife: Alice Edith Probert (nee Mustoe)
Married: 13/04/1925 in Parish Church, Cirencester
Residence: Mount Pleasent, Cinderford
Profession: Collier, Enlisted in the Navy 01/10/1915
Children: Leslie John Probert (B. 14/03/1931), Ivy Edith Probert, Edgar Roy Probert (B. July 1911).

If possible i would like to locate the birth certificate for John Probert or any cencus records relating to Thomas Probert. However as the names John and Thomas and the surname Probert are fairly common i'm having trouble distinguishing which records relate to my ancestors.

Any information will be greatly received.

Thank you,


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