1851 Census - TURNER (General)

by m p griffiths @, Sunday, September 19, 2010, 12:19 (5277 days ago) @ jimashton

1851 Census, Herefordshire, Peterstow, District 10 - Page 12 of 17

very badly written.....

Little Stetstone?

Charlotte TURNER - Widow, age 39, Farmer of 114 acres employing 14 labourers, born Rofs
Sophia TURNER - daughtger age 11 - born Peterstow
Henery TURNER - son - age 4
Joseph TURNER - Yoeman - age 68, born Linton
Edward TURNER - age 48 - Farm Servant, born - Dellmons? Herefordshire
John WILLIAMS - age 16 - Servant

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