Peter Jenkins b 1788 (General)

by tonyjenkins @, Sunday, September 19, 2010, 15:08 (5277 days ago)

I am researching my 4 x GGrandfather Peter Jenkins b about 1788.

During my research I came across the following reference in The National Archives.

D1677/GG/1545/65 14 Nov 1801


Copy Affidavit of THO EAST, a keeper of H.M.'s Forest of Dean, & PETER JENKINS, a servant of sd Tho East, re a tree felled & taken away by JAS DAVIES.

I am not able to visit Gloucester Archives in the near future.

I believe Thomas East was a keeper of HM's Forest of Dean and lived at the Lodge Parkend

I would appreciate any help or thoughts regarding the above transcript.

Kind Regards

Tony Jenkins

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