Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell (General)

by kpegler, Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 22:38 (5267 days ago)

I've recently re-started delving into my family history, and one of the stories told to me by my grandfather that I wanted to investigate was that of my great great grandmother Evangeline Morgan (nee Roberts). I've never seen this website before but so many of my questions were answered in this thread earlier this year:


Since I think the story I was told may answer some of the questions of the people who have posted in the thread, I thought I would share it.

In 1911, Evangeline was living at High Beech, The Pludds, near Ruardean with her husband William (10 yrs her senior) and most of her 9 children. I have no idea what drove her to do it, but my grandfather told me that she walked to a local railway halt (possibly Lydbrook or Bishopswood, neither of which are a particularly short walk) to meet her lover who I now know must have been Louis Marfell. They planned to run away together, catching the train and then a ship to America, however, Evangeline had been followed by her youngest daughter (but not her youngest child), Evelyn. To take the child back home would have meant missing the train, so they took Evelyn with them.

In the previous thead, it was questioned why Evelyn was taken with them and why there was no record of marriage between Evangeline and Louis. From the story I was told, they certainly never meant to take a child with them and I very much doubt that the pair were actually married although I would expect that they would have travelled as husband and wife.

This story has always fascinated me as I wondered what would drive a woman in her mid 40s with 9 children to leave everything behind to move to the other side of the world with another man especially since, in the early 1900s, I doubt she really expected to see her children again (I think the youngest was just 4 years old). I've always wondered if she was just a terrible woman, tired of her older husband or a perhaps a victim of a bad husband. I guess I'll never know for sure, but thank you for everyone who has posted information that has helped!

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by LindaHinzman, Sunday, October 10, 2010, 02:02 (5257 days ago) @ kpegler

Hello - I am Evelyn's granddaughter and Evangeline's great-granddaughter. Thanks for your post. I had never heard this story before about Evelyn following her mother that day and it is certainly a possibility. I guess we will never know for sure. I have so many questions that most certainly can only be answered by speculation. Please post again and let me know how you are related! Thanks.

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by jimashton @, Sunday, October 10, 2010, 11:47 (5256 days ago) @ kpegler

Whilst there is no legality in the statement; on her death certificate Evangeline is described as being married, husband Louis Marfell, and is shown as entering the USA in 1913.

It is indeed odd to have left such a large family behind.

On the In 1920 Census, they are living in LaSalle. They state that they both arrived in America in 1913. In the 1930 census Louis and Evangeline are living in LaSalle in the home of Talcott Barnes(who was born in Wisconsin). Louis is a gardener and Evangeline is a cook for the family. No children are living with them in either year.

Evangeline had 12 children with William Henry Morgan, 2 had died by 1909. Lewis (Louis) Marfell had 6 children with Sarah Ann Marshall. I have marriage details for all of them. Ethel married another Marfell - Owen Frederick. Louis Edward & Howard Stanley also emigrated to USA via Ellis Island arriving 24.1.1920.

Jim Ashton

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by LindaHinzman, Sunday, October 10, 2010, 17:25 (5256 days ago) @ jimashton

Evangeline & Evelyn travelled to Canada first, along with Louis (Lewis) Marfell. On this journey, Evangeline & Evelyn used the last name Marfell.

Canadian Passenger Lists 1865-1935:
13 July 1913
Port of Arrival: Quebec
Port of Departure: Liverpool
Vessel: Megantic

According to "Border Crossings from Canada to United States 1895-1956", they crossed into the United States in June 1915 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Again, Evangeline & Evelyn used the last name Marfell. They list their final destination as LaSalle, Illinois.

Now, Winnipeg is a LONG distance from Quebec City, and I have no knowledge of why they were in either place. I also have no knowledge of why they were headed to LaSalle when they crossed into USA.

In the 1920 US census, Evelyn is listed as Evelyn Marfell in the home of Howard Doan in LaSalle, Illinois, as a servant, age 16. When she married Howard Isaac Gardner in June 1922, her marriage certificate has the name Evelyn Morgan.

Jim: You say Evangeline had 12 children. I only show 11, those being: Sarah Lily, Flora Maggie Gertrude (deceased 1909), William Hiley (deceased 1906), Adeline Frances O., Hilda Kate, Doris, Albert Edward Campbell, Donald Stanley, Evelyn Maude, Ivor Orlando, and Irvin Howard. Am I missing one?


Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by jimashton @, Monday, October 11, 2010, 13:05 (5255 days ago) @ LindaHinzman

Hi Linda

Thanks, I have a copy of the emigration.

I think the child you are missing is Edith May, baptised 29 May 1887 Methodist Church, East Dean, buried 12 May 1892 Ruardean. I didn't have the death of William Hiley - thanks,and I have (your) Donald Stanley as Harold Stanley.

1891 Census East Dean RG 12/2004/140/14
William Morgan 36 CM East Dean
Evangela 26 East Dean
Lillie 5 East Dean
Edith M 3 East Dean
Maggie G 2 East Dean
William 5 months East Dean
George Morgan 19 Border East Dean
Mary Morgan sister 20 East Dean

1911 Census Westbury on Severn
MORGAN WILLIAM M 1856 55 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN EVANGELINE F 1866 45 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN ALBERT M 1899 12 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN DORRIS F 1898 13 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN EVYLN F 1903 8 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN IRVING M 1907 4 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN IVOR M 1905 6 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN KATE F 1895 16 Westbury on Severn
MORGAN STANLEY M 1901 10 Westbury on Severn

A lot of the Forest of Dean miners headed for the Coalfields around Illinois, hence LaSalle. See my photo Ed Molls Bar. Whilst Lewis (Louis) was a Coal Miner in the Forest of Dean, he changed work in USA, his sons who emigrated Louis Edward worked for Westclox in LaSalle & Howard Stanley worked as a Lathe Operator in Chicago.

Jim Ashton

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by kpegler, Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 20:44 (5254 days ago) @ jimashton

I am Evangeline's great great grandaughter, great grandaughter of her daughter Kate (Hilda Kate) and grandaughter of Kate and Victor Pegler's son Ramsay. I grew up on The Pludds and still live in the Forest now.

Evangeline's husband, William Morgan didn't die until 1925 and was buried at Ruardean church. My grandfather told me this story when I was a lot younger and when I started to look in to my family history, I assumed I had remembered it incorrectly and that the story must not relate to Evangeline since her name is also on the grave with William's, I called by the church tonight on my way home from work to double check! It says "Evangelina, wife and mother" and gives her year of death as 1932. However, I now very much doubt that she's actually buried there! Also buried with William are "daughters Annie and Gertrude", I was aware of a daughter called Gertrude but I'm not aware of an Annie (though the moss is starting to grow so maybe I made a mistake - any suggestions?). My father still tends this grave to make sure that it remains. It's quite a big plot with a stone top and is very close to the church. I'm happy to email photos if anyone's interested.

Given that William didn't die until 1925, is it feasible that Evangeline re-married before then? I didn't really think that divorce was commonplace back then, and if they were divorced then I guess there should be a record of it? I've spoken to my dad about this story and he says that my great grandmother, Kate had to take on the role of "mother" after Evangeline left.

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by LindaHinzman, Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 22:47 (5254 days ago) @ kpegler

Hi - thanks for posting again. I am Evangline's great granddaughter, granddaughter of Evelyn. I met your grandmother Kate and her sister Olive a couple of times in the late 1960s or early 1970s when they visited my grandmother in Illinois. I have some photos of that I need to dig out that I'd be happy to e-mail to you, as well as a lovely photo of Evangeline and Evelyn taken shortly after they came to America.

Evangeline is not buried in the Ruardeen cemetery. Jeff Sleeman (Olive's son, now deceased), I believe, was the primary person behind putting a marker for her in Ruardeen cemetery partly due to the "scandal" I believe. Evangeline is buried in Peru, Illinois (City Cemetery) in an unmarked grave. Her death date is 12 Sept 1931. I can e-mail you her death certificate, obituary, etc. if you would like. I also have promised to e-mail her and William's marriage certificate to a couple of other folks and have not done so yet. If you would like it as well, e-mail me through this site (I think it's forbidden to put my e-mail address in this forum). I'm also on facebook - my name is as above and I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Yes, I would love digital photos of any of the cemetery markers or other family history site. If you have any photos of any of Evelyn's siblings, Evangeline, or William, I would love those too (with scanners it is so easy to share photos). I'm more than happy to share whatever I have.

I personally don't believe that Evangeline & Louis Marfell ever married. I (and others) have searched in Canada and USA for a marriage record and found none. Evangeline started using the name Marfell on the voyage from England and I personally believe they simply presented themselves as husband and wife and were probably taken at their word. Evelyn also used the name Marfell at least some of the time, but as a child, she no doubt did as she was told to do.

Thanks again and looking forward to future correspondence!

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by LindaHinzman, Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 22:49 (5254 days ago) @ kpegler

Sorry.....as to the children buried with her, this family has very interesting names and many of them commonly used their middle names. Flora Maggie Gertrude was born in 1888 and died in 1907. According to Jim (earlier post), Edith May was buried 12 May 1892 and William Hiley was 1890-1906. I don't know about an Annie.

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by jimashton @, Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 17:42 (5253 days ago) @ LindaHinzman

I don't know of an Annie either.

If you wish to email each other, just click on the envelope icon and you can then email via the web site, on receipt of the email via the web site the recipient then has the email address. It is a very sensible precaution, there are machines whose "job" is to trawl such sites for email addresses.

I have an image of the Grave marker for Lewis (Louis) Marfell, also a copy of his US Citizenship Certificate I could email to you, if you follow the above procedure.

I would appreciate a copy of the grave you have mentioned.

Jim Ashton

Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell

by jimashton @, Monday, October 18, 2010, 12:56 (5248 days ago) @ jimashton

My real interest in this posting is Lewis (Louis) Marfell, but I do follow siblings and parents of partners.

I now firmly believe that Louis Marfell & Evangeline Amanda Morgan nee Roberts did not marry, but lived together as man and wife and that it takes a strange person to abandon 8 children including one of 6 years of age to emigrate to another country, taking one of her children with her.

Linda has very kindly emailed the marriage certificate between William Henry Morgan and Evangeline Roberts which took place at the Wesleyan Chapel Monmouth on 24th March 1888 and it clearly shows that William Henry Morgan was a widower, so delving further into the background of people connected but not related to me, I discover this :

Year: 1876
Month: Jan
Day: 26
Grooms_Surname: MORGAN
Grooms_Forenames: William Henry
Grooms_Age: 19
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Coal Miner
Grooms_Residence: High Beach
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Morgan
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: James
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Coal Miner
Brides_Surname: HUSSEY
Brides_Forenames: Sarah Jemima
Brides_Age: 18
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Haseley Hill [sic]
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Hussey
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Roller
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: Mark of James Bannitster
Witness_2: Mark of Tammy Carpenter
Officiating_Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P109 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 115
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook

William Henry Morgan's parents were James Morgan 1827 and Sarah Bethel 1830, so "Admin" will note that William Henry Morgan's sister Sarah 1867 married Frederick Watkins 1865, illegitimate son of Esther Watkins 1838.

Jim Ashton

William Henry MORGAN 1856 Ruardean

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, October 18, 2010, 13:09 (5248 days ago) @ jimashton

back to


William Morgan abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Evangela Morgan abt 1865 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lillie Morgan abt 1865[1885] East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Edith M Morgan abt 1888 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Maggie G Morgan William abt 1889 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Morgan abt 1890 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Morgan abt 1872 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Boarder East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Morgan abt 1871 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Sister East Dean, Gloucestershire

William Morgan abt 1856 Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England Head Castleford, Yorkshire
Sarah Morgan abt 1859 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Wife Castleford, Yorkshire
Annie Morgan abt 1878 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Castleford, Yorkshire

James Morgan 46
Sarah Morgan 41
William Morgan 14
James Morgan 12
Albert Morgan 9
Tom Morgan 7
Sarah Morgan 5
Amelia Morgan 2

James Morgan abt 1825 Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England Head Ruardean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Morgan abt 1831 Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Ruardean, Gloucestershire
William Morgan abt 1856 Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England Son Ruardean, Gloucestershire
James Morgan abt 1859 Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England Son Ruardean, Gloucestershire

Year: 1856
Month: Jun
Day: 15
Parents_Surname: MORGAN
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: James
Mothers_Forenames: Sarah
Residence: Ruardean
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: William Penfold
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 163
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Sarah HUSSEY 1856 Hangerberry, Lydbrook

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, October 18, 2010, 13:28 (5248 days ago) @ jimashton

William Hussey 48
Mary Ann Hussey 46
Sarah Hussey 15
Elizabeth Hussey 14
William Hussey 7
Thomas Hussey 4
Matilda Hussey 4 Months

William Hussey abt 1829 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Hussey abt 1828 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Ann Hussey abt 1854 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Hussey abt 1858 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Hussey abt 1856 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
George Hussey abt 1860 Lydbrock, Gloucestershire, England Son West Dean, Gloucestershire

Year: 1856
Month: May
Day: 18
Parents_Surname: HUSSEY
Child_Forenames: Sarah
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Residence: Hangerbury
Occupation: Iron Wire Worker
Officiating_Minister: Temple Hamilton Chase
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: 20811
Page_Number: 15
Parish_Chapel: Lydbrook

John Husley abt 1800 N, Trostery Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Jamima Husley abt 1806 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Husley abt 1830 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thos Husley abt 1832 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Husley abt 1834 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
John Husley abt 1836 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry Husley abt 1838 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Husley abt 1841 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Edmund Husley abt 1843 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire

John Hussey abt 1801 Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Jemima Hussey abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
William Hussey abt 1829 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Thomas Hussey abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Sarah Hussey abt 1834 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
John Hussey abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Henry Hussey abt 1838 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
George Hussey abt 1841 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire

Year: 1829
Month: Jul
Day: 5
Parents_Surname: HUSSEY
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Jemima
Residence: Lidbrook
Occupation: Forgeman
Officiating_Minister: J. Chell
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P109 IN 1/1
Page_Number: 93
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Sarah HUSSEY 1856 Hangerberry, Lydbrook

by jimashton @, Monday, October 18, 2010, 14:47 (5248 days ago) @ slowhands

Close Slowhands - But no Cigar !!

The marriage between Sarah Jemima Hussey and William Henry Morgan shows her father as Thomas Hussey, Roller - so :

Year: 1858
Month: Jun
Day: 13
Parents_Surname: HUSSEY
Child_Forenames: Sarah Jemima
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Mothers_Forenames: Hester
Residence: The [illegible]
Occupation: Worker in Iron Works
Officiating_Minister: Temple Hamilton Chase
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: 20811
Page_Number: 24
Parish_Chapel: Lydbrook

1881 Census
Dwelling: Lydbrook Coppice
Census Place: (Westbury On Severn) East Dean, Gloucester, England
Source: FHL Film 1341609 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2522 Folio 37 Page 17
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Thomas HUSSEY M 50 M Lydbrook, Gloucester, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Wire Roller
Esther HUSSEY M 50 F Walford, Hereford, England

Jim Ashton

Sarah HUSSEY 1858 Lydbrook

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, October 18, 2010, 15:22 (5248 days ago) @ jimashton

< Close Slowhands - But no Cigar !! must be this line then !!! >

Cousin of Sarah 1856

Thomas Huzzey abt 1831 Lydnock, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Esther Huzzey abt 1831 Walford, Herefordshire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Jemima Huzzey abt 1859 Lydnock, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire

Year: 1855
Month: Dec
Day: 24
Grooms_Surname: HUSSEY
Grooms_Forenames: Thomas
Grooms_Age: 24
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Wire Roller
Grooms_Residence: Walford
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Hussey
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: John
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Forge-man
Brides_Surname: BAKER
Brides_Forenames: Esther
Brides_Age: 24
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Walford
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Baker
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: John
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Mason
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: both sign
Witness_1: Ellen Williams
Witness_2: Henry Webb
Officiating_Minister: Arthur Stonhouse Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: AO19/11
Page_Number: 93
Parish_Chapel: Walford

John Husley abt 1800 N, Trostery Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Jamima Husley abt 1806 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Husley abt 1830 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thos Husley abt 1832 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Sarah Husley abt 1834 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
John Husley abt 1836 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry Husley abt 1838 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Husley abt 1841 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Edmund Husley abt 1843 Lydbrook West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire

John Hussey abt 1801 Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Jemima Hussey abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
William Hussey abt 1829 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Thomas Hussey abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Sarah Hussey abt 1834 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
John Hussey abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Henry Hussey abt 1838 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
George Hussey abt 1841 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire

Year: 1831
Month: Jan
Day: 30
Parents_Surname: HUSSEY
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Jemima
Residence: Lidbrook
Occupation: Forgeman
Officiating_Minister: H. Berkin
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P109 IN 1/1
Page_Number: 109
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook

Year: 1828
Month: Jul
Day: 26
Grooms_Surname: HUSSEY
Grooms_Forenames: John
Grooms_Age: [not stated]
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: [not stated]
Grooms_Residence: extraparochially
Brides_Surname: HARRISON
Brides_Forenames: Jemima
Brides_Age: [not stated]
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: extraparochially
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: Robert Wall
Witness_2: James Webb
Officiating_Minister: T. D. Fosbroke Min[iste]r
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: AO19/6
Page_Number: 70
Parish_Chapel: Walford

Year: 1805
Month: Mar
Day: 3
Parents_Surname: HARRISON
Child_Forenames: Jemima
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Sarah
Officiating_Minister: J H BEESTON - minister
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 51
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean

<><><> possibly on to

Year: 1786
Month: Aug
Day: 18
Grooms_Surname: HARRISON
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Residence: of this parish
Brides_Surname: HAWKINS
Brides_Forenames: Sarah
Brides_Residence: of the Parish of Ruardean
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: 1786 July 31 Aug 7 14
Signature_or_Mark: He marks she signs
Witness_1: Thomas Probert
Witness_2: Elizabeth Cooke
Officiating_Minister: J[ohn Copner
Event: Marriage
Notes: Banns are on page 84 & combined with this entry
Register_Reference: P138 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 51
Parish_Chapel: English Bicknor

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Sarah HUSSEY 1858 Lydbrook

by jimashton @, Monday, October 18, 2010, 15:56 (5248 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you Slowhands

You may resume your position at the top of the class !!

Jim Ashton

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