The Wintours of Nass (General)

by owlwinter, Monday, October 04, 2010, 01:02 (5263 days ago) @ m p griffiths

I've found that Sir Edward Wintour owned several farms in Nass. His son, William ( brother of Sir John) bought the freehold of 3 farms leased to him in 1652 & he had a son, Christopher. This is probably the Christopher I am looking for
Another possibility is a Christopher Wintour who is recorded as having "a messuage & divers lands at Alleston"( which Sir John had leased in 1623 & bought the freehold of in 1659. This Christopher is mentioned as being a cousin by the son of Alice/ Agnes Wintour & Thomas Wilson
Thanks for the two replies Though as a computer novice I found it difficult to access the Gloucester info.

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