Death certificate (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 12:32 (5261 days ago)

In 1874 did a minister have to see a death certificate before burying the deceased person?

Act for the registering of Births, Deaths, and Marriage 1836

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, October 08, 2010, 07:03 (5259 days ago) @ unknown

XXVII. And be it enacted, That every Registrar, immediately upon registering any Death, or as soon thereafter as he shall be required so to do, shall, without Fee or Reward, deliver to the Undertaker or other Person having Charge of the Funeral a Certificate under his Hand, according to the Form of Schedule (E.) to this Act annexed, that such Death has been duly registered, and such Certificate shall be delivered by such Undertaker or other person to the Minister or officiating Person who shall be required to bury or to perform any religious Service for the Burial of the dead Body, and if any dead Body shall be buried for which no such Certificate shall have been so delivered, the Person who shall bury or perform any Funeral or any religious Service for the Burial shall forthwith give Notice thereof to the Registrar : Provided always, that the Coroner, upon holding any Inquest, may order the Body to be Buried, if he shall think fit, before Registry of the Death, and shall in such Case give a Certificate of his Order in Writing under his Hand, according to the Form of Schedule (F.) to this Act annexed, to such Undertaker or other person having Charge of the Funeral, which shall be delivered as aforesaid ; and every Person who shall bury or perform any Funeral or any religious Service for the Burial of any dead Body for which no Certificate shall have been duly made and delivered as aforesaid, either by the Registrar or Coroner, and who shall not within Seven Days give Notice thereof to the Registrar, shall forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds for every such Offence.

Acts of Parliament of Interest to the Genealogist

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, October 08, 2010, 07:19 (5259 days ago) @ admin

Transcripts of Various Acts of Parliament of Interest to the Genealogist

Act for the registering of Births, Deaths, and Marriage 1836

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, October 10, 2010, 07:30 (5256 days ago) @ admin

This act is now available in our Documents and Articles Section in a PDF file.

Act for the registering of Births Deaths and Marriages 1836.pdf

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