for you both (General)

by m p griffiths @, Saturday, October 09, 2010, 18:09 (5257 days ago) @ holly

Our FOD transcribers must take a great deal of credit. The only thing I contribute, is my time.

Well, I do subscribe to Ancestry, which is the biggest help, which I enjoy sharing as most of my family tree has been searched, and really because I know my x Grandparents and other people's Forebears would be 'tickled pink' and surprised to think we all want to know about them.

Also the Gloucestershire Family History Society Discs.

I've got two, Gloucestershire Marriage Index 1800-1837 and Gloucestershire Baptism Index 1813-1837 - there is a Burial Index as well.

Fortunately, Hugh KEARSEY - Chairman of GFHS Society, has explained recently on Gloucestershire Rootsweb, the following....

'What is not approved of is to offer to do look ups. An appeal for help is permitted'

This clears the Copyright debate - which I did raise with David WATKINS our Adminstrator a while back

Also various contacts made over 15 years of family tree research - who are always on hand (via email, to help)

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