Evangeline Morgan and Louis Marfell (General)

by jimashton @, Sunday, October 10, 2010, 11:47 (5256 days ago) @ kpegler

Whilst there is no legality in the statement; on her death certificate Evangeline is described as being married, husband Louis Marfell, and is shown as entering the USA in 1913.

It is indeed odd to have left such a large family behind.

On the In 1920 Census, they are living in LaSalle. They state that they both arrived in America in 1913. In the 1930 census Louis and Evangeline are living in LaSalle in the home of Talcott Barnes(who was born in Wisconsin). Louis is a gardener and Evangeline is a cook for the family. No children are living with them in either year.

Evangeline had 12 children with William Henry Morgan, 2 had died by 1909. Lewis (Louis) Marfell had 6 children with Sarah Ann Marshall. I have marriage details for all of them. Ethel married another Marfell - Owen Frederick. Louis Edward & Howard Stanley also emigrated to USA via Ellis Island arriving 24.1.1920.

Jim Ashton

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