Speech House Oak Tree (General)

by anthonyworgan @, Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 10:51 (5253 days ago)

For many years I have been researching my Benfield ancestors & amongst my old notes I have a clipping, which unfortunately I did not note the date or write down where I got the clipping from in the first place.

'At Speech House in the centre of the Forest of Dean is an oak tree planted by some Royalty with a stone stating the date and other particulars. The tree was pointed out to me and I dutifully read the inscription, but like a good stone worker I looked on the side of the stone near the ground to see if the mason had put his name there, and he had. In small letters was the name of Benfield with no initials.
Who was that Benfield who worked stone in the Forest of Dean? ......'

I know without initials the identity of this particular Benfield will never be known, but I would be interested to know if the tree & the stone inscription still exists? What member of the Royal Family planted the tree & when?

Any ideas?

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