Searching for any information on Moody Wilkes and Wilce (General)

by Barlowlass, Thursday, October 14, 2010, 22:41 (5252 days ago) @ m p griffiths

MP Griffiths yes does get bit confussed like i say so much going on at that time i know Ernest was living with diffrent family to William my grandad so looks like your on the right track.
Ernest was living with grandmother charlotte smith Nee Nelmes later wilce. Wonder about the Meeks because somewhere in my distant memories that rings bells my look into that one

William my Grandfather was living with Lydia Wilce perhaps married to a Thomas wilce born 1829 as the census of 1861 shows him living with his family in a public grocers could it be the same one Lydia is operating. It would appear that his Brother Edward Samuel was taken in by a family called Wilkes which adds to the confussion i have found him in Gloucester and have full army record etc and proof that is is the adopted son he is with but have found no record of him in the Forest it is his mother Elizabeths death you found in Ruarden.

This part of the Journey has been complex but not half as much as the journey down to the forest from Birmingham so thankyou for all the help.

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