Family History Society Journals (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, October 15, 2010, 03:03 (5252 days ago)

I have a very large number of quarterly Family History Society Journals from amongst other more distant counties collected over many years; Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Gwent and also those 'Forest Footsteps' Journals produced by the Royal Forest of Dean Family Society when it existed. I have offered them to the local Gloucestershire FHS branch but they do not have the storage facilities for them. Most of them contain articles relating to local families. I am loathe to put them in my recycling bin, but I desperately need to create space at home. I would love to pass them all on gratis to anyone who may find them useful/or extract information from them.

Any ideas? I am happy to box them up & deliver them locally to a recipient within the south-mid Forest area.


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